Monday, March 30, 2009

T (as in tantrum) Time

I was advised that it would be nine months before any hint of behavior remotely associated with the terrible twos would show their face. Leave it to this rookie-mom to believe that life with baby actually adheres to a schedule.

One happy Saturday afternoon, I notice a strange phenomenon coming from downstairs. The sound erupts without notice and commands my full and undivided attention much like a leaky diaper threatening to ruin baby and mommy’s Sunday’s best.

I jet down stairs only to see that we’d been victimized by none other than-- Dun...dun...dun...duunnn! –THE TANTRUM MONSTER. A stream of questions instantly flood my mind: How did he gain entry? Who let him in? Did I leave the door unlocked? Why meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

After my rare yet brief pity-party subsides, I notice Tinka --his latest victim--on the floor, legs kicking and arms flailing in an apparent meltdown.Daddy calmly explains that she has these “experiences” from time to time and that he’s concerned that she may injure herself. Apparently, there was something that she desired that wasn’t granted or within reach and as the story goes,....THE TANTRUM MONSTER took hold of my firstborn, overwhelming her to the point that she could no longer remain upright.

Almost immediately, my problem-solving skills kick in. How can she learn to ward him off better, I wonder. I was advised (once again) to show empathy. You know--by expressing that I understand how she feels or that I am sorry she’s experiencing such grief. This strategy hasn’t been the most effective weapon against THE TANTRUM MONSTER but, nonetheless, it does help Tinka’s Mom (that would be me) remain level-headed.

Check out this latest video of THE TANTRUM MONSTER striking yet another one of our precious darlings…..

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