Monday, April 6, 2009

Hello, my name is...

Who knew it would come to this? A significant portion of my life I devoted to carving out my very own niche. My hats have been plenty from academic scholar to engineer to businesswoman to wife and most recently to Tinka’s Mom (TM). Wow! Never imagined that those countless nights studying would lead to such a heaving-hitting moniker. Forget about the MS, MBA or PE designations that follow my last name. They carry no weight like my latest and greatest two-letter designator, which trumps all others and has catapulted me in to the awesome social circle of Mommyhood.

Most of her pre-school aged friends refer to me as Tinka’s Mom. Honestly, I don’t blame them. It’s far easier to remember one name versus two or three, right? So, my hubby and I have been marginalized, forever known in pre-school social circles as drum roll please…..Tinka’s Mom and Dad. To seal the deal, the parents of her friends also refer to us as TM and TD. We can’t (and don’t) complain. Who better to be associated with than our very own princess!

The impact our little one has had on our social life has been welcomed and delightful. Bye-bye are the events of “Ladies Night”, hello to the wonderful world of “Mommy and Me” playdates. It’s been a complete joy swapping stories and sharing laughs on nursing, toddler hair care, meltdowns, sleeping (an elusive past-time). So, to Tinka I say “tank youuuuu!” (yes, without the ‘h’)
Signing off,

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